Friday, October 9, 2009

гєรt๏гє ק๏เภt ON EVERY BOOT

Your system may malfunction unexpectedly , then you may feel that restore point might have helped me ! ! !
But you did forgot or neglected the creation of restore point ? ? Then here is the solution for all windows xp users .......
This script automatically creates a restore point at every boot ! !
So enjoy the trick ...........

Create a restore point on every boot using the following script :

The script provided below will create System Restore points on every boot ! ! !

Copy the text in RED COLOR only

Option Explicit
Dim SRP, CSRP, objWMI, clsPoint
Dim RPDate, D1, D2, dtmInstallDate, DMatch
DMatch = 0
Set SRP = getobject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:Systemrestore")
Set dtmInstallDate = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
Set objWMI = getobject( _
"winmgmts:\\.\root\default").InstancesOf ("systemrestore")
For Each clsPoint In objWMI
RPDate = getmytime(clsPoint.creationtime)
D1 = Month(RPDate) & "/" & Day(RPDate) & "/" & Year(RPDate)
D2 = Month(Date) & "/" & Day(Date) & "/" & Year(Date)
If D1 = D2 Then DMatch = 1

Function getmytime(wmitime)
dtmInstallDate.Value = wmitime
getmytime = dtmInstallDate.GetVarDate
end Function

If DMatch = 0 Then
CSRP = SRP.createrestorepoint ("Daily Restore Point", 0, 100)
End If

Paste this script into a notepad and save the file with RESTOREPOINT.vbs ....

Then, place the script to the Startup in All programs folder so that it runs during logon ...

Second way of creating a restore point ! !

Create a System Restore Point Each Day ..

Copy the following 3 lines to NotePad, then save it with .vbs extension (for example, CreateRP.vbs). You can run it manually to create a Restore Point by double clicking, or add it as a scheduled task.

This script creates a System Restore Point for Windows XP.
rp = "Manual Restore Point by " & WScript.ScriptName
GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:Systemrestore").CreateRestorePoint rp, 0, 100

Note: This script is not well suited for creating an unattended System Restore point, since it requires user intervention. The attached VB Script (modified from the original script) will do automate the process for a scheduled task. ...

For more info RESTORE POINT Check the RESTORE POINT Label .........


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